Hello Wonderful WAAS Families!
Last week was a great week, and we are thankful that students were able to return to school on Tuesday. As of this afternoon, we are still without Internet and phone service.
The pick up at dismissal seems to be going well. Until further notice, please continue to use this pick up schedule:
Carpool Drivers (2 or more students) Students will be called at 2:30
Parent Pick up (only 1 student) Pick up beginning at 2:40
If this time doesn’t work, please pick up at 2:15 or let me know. My goal is to keep parents from having to wait on Myrtle Grove Road since there is no place to pull over due to the debris. Thank you!
Community Service
Please be reminded that students are to complete three hours of community service. With the hurricane recovery in our area, I am confident that students have helped in many ways. Forms are available in the front office and on the website for students to complete for credit for this nine weeks. This form is due no later than 3:00 pm on October 11.
Pending Board of Trustees approval, there might be a change in the community service for our middle school students for the second, third and fourth nine weeks. More information will come later.
Toiletries such as shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, disposable razor, soap are still being collected to help our families in need. If you would like to contribute, please have your child bring these supplies in, and let me know if they would like to stay and pack after school tomorrow, Monday, October 1 (and earn some community service hours!). We will plan to pack from 2:45 until 4:15. Please contact Brandy Brinson for more information.
WAAS Apparel
The WAAS Apparel store is now open until October 2. The link is https://source114.com/waas
Our next BOT meeting is scheduled for October 3 at 5:30 at WAAS.
Early Enrollment
We are beginning our early enrollment (2019-2020) for new students. Please let me know as soon as possible if you have another child interested in attending WAAS next year. I have available spots in 4th and 6th grades. Please note that this is for new students only. Application packets are available at the front desk or on line. We have a significant interest for 2019-2020, so please let me know immediately if you have not already done so. Our current students will be issued a tuition contract for 2019-2020 in January.
Thank you for your continued support.
Beth Upton