by Beth Upton | Sep 28, 2018 | Director's Corner, Middle School, Updates - WAAS News
Since WAAS’ Internet and telephone service has not yet been restored, there might be a delay in our communications. If you need to get in touch immediately with the school, please call or text 910 512 0376. Beth Upton...
by Beth Upton | Sep 26, 2018 | Director's Corner, Middle School, Updates - WAAS News
Dear WAAS Families, The Harrelson Center, located in downtown Wilmington, has been doing a phenomenal job of distributing supplies to our neighbors who desperately need them following the destruction of Florence. A friend of mine is the director, and today she...
by Beth Upton | Sep 26, 2018 | Director's Corner, Middle School, Updates - WAAS News
Mathcounts will be starting up on October 2nd. Every middle schooler is invited to be part of the club which will meet for four weeks on Tuesdays after school until 3:45. Mathcounts is a great way for your child to learn problem-solving skills to amp up his/her math...
by WAAS Admin | Sep 26, 2018 | Director's Corner, Middle School, Updates - WAAS News
Thank you for your patience as WAAS recovers from Hurricane Florence. New dates and admissions paperwork can be found on our 2019-2020 Admissions page. We also have admissions packets at the school you can pick between 8:30am and 1:30pm, Monday to Friday. Tours will...
by WAAS Admin | Sep 26, 2018 | Director's Corner, Middle School, Updates - WAAS News
WAAS TOILETRY DRIVE (Parents, see email sent today for full information.) We will be collecting supplies at school between now and October 1st for The Harrelson Center, located in downtown Wilmington. Items Needed: shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant,...