Happy Friday WAAS Families!
It is hard to believe that we are beginning our second semester at WAAS. Time does fly when you’re having fun! The teachers and I are very pleased with the students and the progress they are making! We are having a great year!
We welcome Miss Amy Kedzior to our faculty! Miss Kedzior assumed the 4th/5th grade teaching position Jan. 2 because Mrs. Sciales needed to tend to immediate family responsibilities. Miss Kedzior will finish out this year, and the plan is for her to return next year.
Tuition Contracts for our returning families will be sent home today. To offset rising costs, the BOT approved a tuition increase of $200.00. In addition, the BOT established and approved a Technology Fee of $100.00 per student to maintain our technology initiative. Please see the attachment for the policy.
The BOT will hold their monthly meeting on January 31 to determine if and when the days missed for inclement weather will be made up. Also, we will discuss and hopefully approve next year’s calendar. I will keep you posted.
Congratulations to our MathCounts team for placing First in the New Hanover County Competition today. Varun Varajaradan placed First in the Countdown Round, and WAAS had four students who were in the top 10: Mason Evans, Charlie Flynt, Sean Hession and Varun Varadarajan. Yahoo!
Sadly, this week end’s Science Olympiad Invitational Tournament in Ga. was cancelled due to the snow storm.
I wish you a great week end!
Beth Upton