Hello WAAS Students!
Welcome Back!
Today has been a great first day, and your teachers and I have enjoyed being with you today. It is great to have students back in the building!
Just a few housekeeping rules:
Please stomp and wipe your feet after you have been playing on the field. This will keep the dirt from coming inside and keep our floors clean.
Bookbags and lunchboxes should be placed in your lockers. If and only if your bookbag doesn’t fit that day should you keep your bookbag or lunch box on the shelves. The fire marshall will not allow bookbags in the hall and on the floor. Not every student’s bookbag can fit on the two shelves. The lockers should hold your bookbags. 8th graders may take their bookbags with them (8th grade privilege) so 8th graders should not have any bookbags on the shelves.
Recyle Bins
Please use the recycle bins that are in the cafeteria. The recycle bins are not designed for trash.
Please remind your parents to turn in all forms by tomorrow. There is a total of 6 forms, and I emailed them to your parents last week.
USNWC Charlotte, NC
If you are interested in participating in the middle school field trip on Sept. 16 and 17, please make sure your parents have signed you up. You may refer to the Director’s Blog on July 17 for more information.
Designated Restrooms
Please remember to use the designated restrooms. The 4-6 grades restrooms are on the 4/5 hall, and the 7th and 8th grade restrooms are in the middle hall.
Water Fountain
The new water fountain in the 4/5 hall is working now.
Label Personal Belongings
Please make sure that all personal items are marked with your name on it, especially clothing and lunchboxes.
Check Emails Regularly
Every student has a WAAS email account. Please check your email regularly as this is a way that the teachers and I will communicate with you.
Back to School Beach Bash August 21 5:00-8:00 Carolina Beach
The SGA is sponsoring a Back to School Beach Bash at Carolina Beach on Friday evening 5:00-8:00. Under parents’ supervision, students may surf or swim, and then at 6:30 you can walk over to the Shelter for hotdogs and all of the good things that go with hotdogs. Your parents and siblings are invited to attend as well. Your parents should have received an Evite last week. Please have them RSVP! We want you to come!
See you tomorrow for another great day!
Mrs. Upton