Hello WAAS Students and Parents!
‘Tis the season for our students to submit art work for two contests: NC Azalea Festival Children’s Art Contest and a new one, NCDOT Division of Aviation Art Contest. Mrs. Errante will be working with the students in the Explorations classes as they work on their art pieces.
All students will be entering both contests. Each student needs to have three forms completed.
All three forms are needed by Friday, December 18.
Two forms are required for NCDOT Division of Aviation Art Contest:
#1 is here as a link:
#2 is attached below as a pdf. Please see the attachment or ask Mrs. Upton to send it to you.
One form is required for the Azalea Art Contest. Choose either Elementary or Middle School
#3 Elementary:
#3 Middle School:
Please print clearly and return the three forms to Mrs. Upton by December 18, 2015.
Thank you for your support!
Beth Upton