Hello WAAS Families!
This sunshine is a welcome sight, and the students (and teachers) are so glad that, after several days of inside recess, we can finally have outside recess and enjoy the wonderful autumn weather.
Last year our major Annual Fund goal was to raise money to permanently repair and improve our drainage system. Due to the generosity of our wonderful families, we met our financial goal, and, as a result of our diligent Board members’ commitment and efforts, Lake WAAS no longer exists! During the heavy rainfall and potential flooding in this area last week end, our new drainage system passed a strenous test. Thanks to all families who made financial contributions to last year’s Annual Fund and to last year’s BOT members who carried it through!
At our next BOT meeting on October 21, we will discuss making up October 5, the school day missed due to inclement weather.
Since the New Hanover County Schools has changed their grading system to a 10 point grading scale, the BOT has asked the teachers and me to study this idea for WAAS and make a recommendation to them in the spring for next year
Our 7th and 8th grade students are participating in the Seeds to Shoreline Pilot Project. They are testing different human factors on plant growth. These experiments are completely student designed, and the Green house will be the plants’ home until they are used later in the year to grow salt marsh grass.
We have had a lot of visitors in our building for the past two weeks. Prospective parents are taking tours and students are shadowing the 4th/5th and 6th grade classes. Our students are making our visitors feel welcome.
Remember to order lunch for next week!
Dates to Remember:
October 12 Rescheduled Field Trip for 4/5 grades
October 13 Rescheduled Date for John T. Hoggard’s International Baccalaureate Meeting
Meeting with Jean Hall at 6:30 in Mrs. Puritis’ room. Students and friends are welcome.
October 16 Last Day of the First Nine Weeks
Birthday Celebration (7th Period) for Birthdays Aug.1-October 16
Annual Fund Donations/Pledges Due
Deadline for Applications for EARLY ADMISSIONS
October 19 Teachers’ Workday NO SCHOOL for students
October 21 BOT meeting at 6:30 in Mrs. Puritis’ room
October 23 Report Cards issued
October 30 Halloween Dance for middle school students 6:00-8:00 pm
November 6 First Friday and Ask the Director at 8:00 am
Beth Upton