Hello Parents of 6th Graders!

As you are well aware, transitioning to middle school is not easy. There are many things for students (and parents) to learn, remember and simply “get use to”. Please know that the teachers and I are combining efforts to help your 6th grade student learn the process of getting organized and using their time wisely.  We realize that this is new for them, and it will get better over time.

Since we have smaller classes and a Guided Study, our teachers have the time and opportunities to teach the  students the process of getting acclimated to the different classes. We consider the time to teach and model these skills to be a good investment as it will work to their advantage later. 

WAAS teachers embed study skills, time management and organization skills in their subjects and lessons  by telling and showing students how and what to study.  They also give students an estimated time  that students should spend on assignments and studying for tests. Teachers should also be communicating their expectations and procedures with you so that you can support your child at home.
Below are the skills that we are teaching and reinforcing:
Be specific with assignments in the planner
Instead of writing “study”, add exactly what they should be studying
For reading assignments, write down the page numbers and/or what has been assigned to read
For an announced test/quiz,  keep the test/quiz date visible in your planner.
For example, if  a quiz has been announced  for Thursday, then  write Quiz on Thursday for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Write legibly and allow enough space to write in the designated block.
Balance  time for actual homework and studying for a quiz/test.
Allow time to study for tests and quizzes each night in addition to completing the written work. Studying for tests is a part of homework. 
Eliminate/Deter  “I can’t study for that.” 
 Students can always study and review notes.  (Teachers are making suggestions to students as to how to study for the material.)
Use resources..
WAAS teachers , emails, Jupiter Grades and the teachers’ web pages are your child’s most valuable resources. The teachers love to help.   Guided Study is the perfect time to go to the teacher for explanation, questions or issues.  Emailing  a teacher after school hours is also a good way to seek help. Also, students need to follow the teachers’ recommendations and advice.  Teachers are trying to set the students up for success; students need to follow their lead.

A website that Mr. Simon recommends is www.quizlet.com. This allows students to create study tools.

We are all partners in teaching these skills.  Please contact us if we can assist you or child in any way. 

Thank you for your support!
Beth Upton