Young Scientist Academy (YSA) is pleased to announce that registration is now open for the 2018 Spring Break and Summer Camps.

This year YSA is based at the Hannah Block Historical USO Building (120 S 2nd Street, Wilmington) and is excited to be partnering with our community sponsors at Expo 216 Gallerium on 216 N Front Street.

The theme for this year is “Science: The Art of Observation” where we will combine science and art to explore issues related to urban ecology of downtown Wilmington, computer programming and biotechnology, marine and climate sciences, the art and science of “Death and Dying” (current themed exhibit at Expo 216), and many more! Students will also have the opportunity to showcase their research and artwork to the public as part of the Fourth Friday Gallery Night on June 22. It promises to be a lot of fun!

Weekly camps run daily from 9am – 4pm. Cost for camps is $180 per week. For the first time, we are excited to be running a camp over Spring Break (March 26-29) and our summer program starts the week of June 4.

For registration and more information about the camps please visit:–summer-camps.html.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate in contacting me at (910) 386-1867 or

Looking forward to seeing you all at camp.

Best wishes
Dr. Rob

Rob Condon, PhD
Executive Director,
Young Scientist Academy (501c3 non-profit)
Ph: (910) 386-1867

Twitter: @YoungSciAcademy