Led by Jaime Schraff, Wilmington Academy Theater Arts, the theater club of Wilmington Acadmey of Arts and Sciences, will present on November 14-15th, 2016. ALL WAAS STUDENTS IN GRADES 4-8 are invited to participate.
Please sign up using this link:
The club will meet Wednesdays from 2:30-4:00 pm, beginning August 24th. Extra rehearsals may be scheduled. Auditions and interviews for positions will be held on Wednesday, August 17th by appointment between the hours of 2:30-4:00. Sign up for you interview or audition.
Creative team and character breakdowns can be found here:
An audition workshop will be held on Wednesday, August 10th from 2:30-4:00.
Sign up here:
Please contact Jamie Schraff or Beth Upton if you have any questions.