This year WAAS will celebrate its 20th anniversary, and, since its beginning, there has been a dress code. A committee of WAAS parents is reviewing and evaluating our current dress code to verify that it remains fair to all students and is aligned with our mission and goals. Towards the end of the year, this committee will share their report with our Board of Trustees. WAAS will continue to have a dress code, but it is uncertain, at this time, what changes, if any, will be made.
We realize that today’s styles and denim fabrics can be confusing, and the Dress Code Committee is trying to add clarity for parents and students and make it easier for the teachers and me to enforce.
Our current dress code is still very much in effect; however, the Board of Trustees has granted the Dress Code Committee’s request to conduct a trial period for jeans and jean shorts to be worn Monday through Thursday for the remainder of this school year. Beginning tomorrow, March 16, all students may wear blue, black or khaki jeans and jean shorts of the required length as described in the handbook. Please note that only jeans of this color may be worn, and the jeans must not have any holes, strings, rips, logos, embellishments or patterns. The wearing of jeans does not include leggings or jeggings of denim color or fabric. Jean shorts must be of the required length as described in the handbook and clothing should not be too tight. Please refer to pages 15 and 16 of the handbook if you have questions.
Now that spring is around the corner, please check your wardrobe to make sure that your spring and summer clothes will meet the current dress code. Just because it fit you in the fall doesn’t necessarily mean that it will fit you now or in the next few weeks.
Mrs. Upton