Hello 4th/5th Grade Parents,
The 4/5 class will be going on two field trips … September 12 and 13 while the Middle School students are on their out of town field trip. Much like the middle school field trip, the 4th/5th grade trips are intended to be a team building and educational experience. The necessary permission forms are attached below, and they need to be completed and given to Mrs. Upton by Sept. 7.
There is no cost for the students.
Since WAAS relies on parents to provide transportation for our field trips, we need Drivers/Chaperones for each of these trips.
1. Monday, September 12: Fort Caswell (8:00-3:30)
Marine Ecology:
Plankton Ecology: Field and Lab – Students use standard gear to collect and view some of the smaller members of the marine community: the plankton.
History/Tide and Dune Exploration:
Beach Seine – Students explore the surf zone with sieves and seines to sift and sort critters living in this high energy zone of the ocean biome.
The Sign Up to drive to Caswell for 4/5:
2. Tuesday, September 13: YWCA Pool (11:45-2:15)
Students will enjoy relays, games, and recreation. They will eat lunch at school, but a snack will be provided. Dismissal is from the YWCA Pool on College Road.
Sign Up to drive to YWCA for 4/5:
Permission form for the YWCA
Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks to those who can drive!
Ms. Errante
Beth Upton