Congratulations to our Varsity, and Junior Varsity Science Olympiad teams on an incredible showing at the UNCW Regional Tournament on Saturday! The Varsity team won the event by 12 points! Our JV1 team came in 2nd in JV (7th Overall), and our JV2 Team came in 4th in JV (10th Overall), out of 36 very competitive teams from Southeastern North Carolina. Thank you to all of our students, coaches and volunteers for making this such a special day, we are very proud of you! The teams were led by top finishers in the following categories:
Varsity- 1st Place Overall!
1st- Forestry– Edward & Miles
1st- Meteorology– Annabell & Lilah
1st- Microbe Mission- Atiksh & Edward
1st- Optics- Atiksh & Bentley
1st- Pasta Tower– Eliza & Matthew
2nd- Reach for the Stars– Abigail & Atiksh
2nd- Anatomy– Lilah & Siena
2nd- Codebusters– Ben E., Bentley, & Will
2nd- Flight– Eliza and Miles
3rd- Road Scholar- Abigail & Miles
4th- Crimebusters- Annabell & Ella
4th- Disease Detective- Ella & Matthew
5th- Fossils– Ava & Lucy
5th- Wind Power- Abigail & Annabell
5th- Experimental Design– Ben E., Bentley, & Will
6th- Air Trajectory– Ava & Lucy
6th- Wheeled Vehicle– Ben & Will
JV1- 2nd Place JV, 7th Overall!
1st- Disease Detectives- Anna & Ira
1st- Fossils– Elsa & Tilghman
1st- Ecology– Blake & Emma
1st- Optics- Abram & Lillian
2rd- Anatomy- Anna & Stephen
2nd- Codebusters– Tilghman & Sophia
2nd- Crimebusters- Anna & Ira
2nd- Experimental Design- Abram & Ira
2nd- Meteorology– Abram and James C
2nd- Reach for the Stars– Stephen
2nd- Road Scholar– James R & Stephen
2nd- Wheeled Vehicle- James C
JV2- 4th Place JV, 10th Overall!
1st- Experimental Design– Takoda & Leisl
1st- Forestry– Connor & Liesl
1st- Air Trajectory– Ben R. & Isaiah
1st- Wheeled Vehicle- Liesl
2nd- Fossils– Damian & Elizabeth
2nd- Flight- Isaiah & Harrison
2nd- Pasta Tower– Leila and Macie
3rd- Ecology- Ben R. & Diego
3rd- Meteorology– Elizabeth & Macie
3rd- Optics– Damian & Harrison