Hello WAAS Families!
To make it easier for everyone to view my blog in a timely manner, you can follow this procedure:
When you visit the blog page, scroll to the bottom and notice a box on the right-hand side that says “follow by email” with an area for you to enter your email. If you enter your email in the box and submit, a confirmation will be sent to your email. Once you click the link to activate the service, you will receive automatic updates when a new blog post is posted. This will save time for all, and this will elimimate the need to email you every time a new post is updated.
We highly recommend that all WAAS families subscribe to receive these notices as I will be using this source as a major tool of communication throughout the year.
School supplies are posted on each teacher’s website. Please visit these individual websites to determine what your child will need. Mrs. Keating has been out of town for a family medical emergency, but she plans to have it posted soon.
Parent Student Handbooks could be sent out as early as tomorrow via email. The dress code is included in the handbook.
Thank you!
Beth Upton