Dear Parents and Friends of WAAS,
We have recently registered with’s AmazonSmile Foundation. For those of you not familiar with the program, it allows shoppers to designate qualified entities, such as WAAS, to receive a donation from the AmazonSmile Foundation in the amount of 0.5% of the purchase price from eligible purchases.
This is a really easy way to donate to WAAS just by shopping as you usually would. All you have to do is visit AmazonSmile ( where you will have the same log in, shopping cart, and features you always have on to designate Wilmington Academy of Arts and Sciences as your selected charity and shop. You only have to do this once; then, every time you go shop on, you will be earning money for WAAS.
For more information, please see: com/about
You may also contact Mrs. DuFresne at c.dufresne@ who can attest to ease of use.
Please let friends and family know and ask them to support our school through this simple, no cost feature.
Many thanks!
Beth Upton