Congratulations to the following students whose art work will be featured at the Azalea Festival Youth Art Contest Exhibit at the Community Arts Center in the Historic Hannah Block USO Building at the corner of 2nd and Orange Streets in Wilmington, NC.
Middle School Winners
Honorable Mention
Emelia Stinson 7th grade
Max Wang 6th grade
Additional Entries Chosen
Lucy Boswell 6th grade
Avery Braithwaite 6th grade
Gracie Caudill 6th grade
Avery Kievit 6th grade
Grace McNamara 6th grade
Ava Sauer 7th grade
The Exhibit Opening is on Friday, April 6th at 5:00pm with a ceremony, ribbon cutting, and reception for the artists, their families, teachers, and other special guests. The exhibit will run through April.
Congratulations! We are so proud of our students!
Beth Upton, Director