Congratulations to our Varsity and JV Gold Science Olympiad Teams who competed Saturday in the Wolfpack Invitational at NC State University!The Varsity team placed 4th in Varsity and 4th overall in a very competitive field of more than 30 teams! The JV Gold Team placed 6th in JV, and 17th overall.

The medalists for the event are listed below. Congratulations to all of our competitors, we are very proud of you all!!

1st place
Crimebusters- Annabell Pryor & Ella Yokubaitis
Disease Detectives- Bodan Escaravage & Myra Shankar
Helicopter- Mira Hu & Lucy Yokubaitis
Metric Mastery-Takoda Lac & Liesl Rivenbark
Optics- Abram Baker & James Richter
Towers- Cooper Smith & Maddie Torok

2nd place

Potions & Poisons- Mira Hu & Libby Williamson

3rd place
Helicopter- Abram Baker & James Richter
Mission Possible- Bentley Burton & Harrison Lacy
Towers- Sophia Robinson & Matthew Strickland

5th place
Air Trajectory- Takoda Lac & Libby Williamson
Experimental Design- Takoda Lac, James Richter, Ira Satyajit