by WAAS Admin | Jun 9, 2018 | Middle School, Updates - WAAS News
WAAS SCHOOL WIDE WISH LIST Updated February 28, 2019 Card stock paper (all colors) Packs of colored copy paper (especially blue, pink, red, purple) Index Cards Sharpies (all kinds) Highlighters (any color/size) Washable Markers #2 Pencils (sharpened a plus) Colored...
by WAAS Admin | Jun 9, 2018 | Middle School, Updates - WAAS News
Please note, middle school classes will be sharing three two-inch (2″) binders between two classes as follows: Math/Science – sharing a 2” binder Social Studies/Language Arts – sharing a 2” binder Spanish/Explorations – sharing a 2” binder Following...
by Beth Upton | Feb 17, 2018 | Director's Corner, Middle School, Updates - WAAS News
Today, our WAAS MathCounts team placed Second in the Southeast Regional MathCounts Competition. As a result, they will compete in the State MathCounts Competition on March 23. Mason Evans, Sahil Patel and Varun Varadarajan placed in the Top 10 Countdown Round, and...