Hello Middle School Parents!
Our middle school trip to the United States National Whitewater Center in Charlotte for Sept. 16-17 has been finalized!!! 
To teach character education
To experience learning outside the traditional classroom
To challenge students to set goals and work to reach them
To provide team building experiences

Seven attachments have been sent to you via email that should provide you with the needed information.
The cost per student is $350.00.  This includes transportation on a chartered bus, lodging at a nearby Hampton Inn & Suite (four students to a room surrounded or adjoining an adult’s room), two day unlimited passes at USNWC and all meals except for breakfast on Wednesday morning en route to Charlotte.  Storage bins will be provided for students to keep their book bags in the park.
Wednesday, Sept. 16 will be more structured than Thursday in that students will be   involved in the sports /team building  activities led by an USNWC instructor/facilitator. On Thursday, students will be allowed to select their activities by groups and chaperons will supervise.
Please send in the following forms and payment of $350.00 by Friday, Sept. 4. However, I will begin collecting tomorrow.
    Permission Form
    USNWC Waiver
    Behavior Contract
    Medicine Consent Form
We are excited to provide your child with this great opportunity. As always, please contact me if you have questions.
Thank you!
Beth Upton