Holocaust Presentation
Hello Parents of 7th and 8th Grade Students!
On Tuesday February 23, St. Marks School will be hosting a presentation by author and Holocaust survivor Marion Blumenthal Lazan. WAAS students have kindly been invited to attend this presentation.
We would like to take both the 7th and 8th grade (approximately 35 students) to the presentation. Six to ten (depending on the size of the vehicle) parent drivers are needed to transport students to St. Marks on Eastwood Road and then to the McDonald’s parking lot at Military Cutoff and Eastwood Road for pickup. You are encouraged to stay for the presentation, and there will be reserved parking for us for easy entry and exit. We would plan to leave WAAS by 12:30 pm and, for dismissal, parents/carpool drivers will need to pick up students at 2:30ish from that McDonald’s parking lot.
Please indicate if your child will need to return to WAAS for dismissal, and we will provide transportation.
If you would be willing to drive, please click on this link to sign up. Please indicate how many students you can take.
This is a great opportunity for our middle school students, one that will enrich their future studies of the Holocaust and upcoming literary works concerning this historical event.
Thank you,
Allyson Keating
Social Studies Teacher
Beth Upton